Objective Questions
1. You meet Mr. Kim for the first time today. When asking about OTC or ‘other’ medications he looks away from you and says quickly that he takes some other supplements that were given to him as a gift. You should: (click on ONE correct answer)
Correct! It is important to understand the prevalence of reliance on traditional health care practices.
Incorrect. Try again.
2. Mrs. Kim, a 65 year old female, comes to your clinic with a complaint of a mass on her chest. Further questioning reveals that she has never had a pap smear or mammogram. You should: (click on ONE correct answer):
Correct! It is important to understand the importance of modesty.
Incorrect. Try again.
3. You are taking care of Mr. Lee, an 80 year old male. Work-up reveals he has metastatic liver cancer. The family insists that he should not be told of the diagnosis. You should: (click on ONE correct answer):
Correct! It is important to understand what the patient’s wishes are with regarding to disclosure.
Incorrect. Try again.
4. Mr. Kim is a 60 year old male who you diagnosed with diabetes 2 months ago. Upon questioning it is revealed he has no started any of the diabetes medications. You should: (click on ONE correct answer)
Correct! Concerns may include costs of medications, fear of side effects. Fear of needles.
Incorrect. Try again.
Ms. Kim comes to clinic today after a long-absence. You notice she has lost weight, appears fatigued and is teary-eyed during the meeting. Since you last saw her, her mother-in-law has moved in because she is no longer able to take care of herself. Ms. Kim states that in addition to her job, taking care of her husband and children now she has to change the mother-in-law’s diapers and feed her. You should: (click on ONE correct answer)
Correct! Caregiver burden is a problem in many ethnic populations. Caregivers need the support and understanding of others and information to help them.
Incorrect. Try again.