Should we do small-talk with patients to set them at ease? This may be a standard expectation in some cultures. In fact, by making patients comfortable, we can expect them to engage more meaningfully and be willing to participate and take an active role in their care. That said, is small talk the best use […]
Practical Tips
Microlecture 020: Should Clinicians Engage in Small Talk with Patients?
Microlecture 019: What is the Difference Between Social Touch and Therapeutic Touch?
Culture governs how we interpret many things including acceptable norms for touch. In many cultures, it is not acceptable to make prolonged social eye contact ( it is seen as a forward gesture). It is not appropriate to touch a person, especially a person from the opposite gender. In medicine, touch (or “haptics“) is a […]
Microlecture 017: The Role Of Therapeutic Touch
My colleague, Prof. Abraham Verghese, (a big proponent of the physical exam) jokingly told me once that the modern-day doctor needs an X-ray to diagnose an amputation! What is the need to do a physical exam in a clinical encounter? After all, we get so much information about the patient from lab work, imaging studies, […]
Microlecture 004: Talk Directly To The Patient
This micro-lecture addresses patient rights. When the patient has Limited English Proficiency, how can we ensure their right to access all the information about their healthcare? Don’t they still have the right to take advantage of the therapeutic bond that should exist between every doctor and the patient? How can we decrease the psychological distance […]