In addition to lecture and reading assignments, the following case can be used for discussion or written assignments.
Case Study 1

Mr. Bautista is a 67-year-old Filipino male immigrant who has lived in the U.S. for the last 35 years. He was recently diagnosed with metastatic pancreatic cancer. During a comprehensive end-of-life care discussion with the oncologist, he was given a prognosis of less than 6 months to live, and was advised to transition to hospice. Despite the doctor’s recommendation, the patient expressed a strong desire to seek a second opinion, and was not completely convinced about the terminality of his condition.
Mr. Bautista is highly optimistic and has not lost hope for a cure. Because of his strong religious beliefs that he is just being tested by God and miracles can happen, he and his spouse find it difficult to shift their hopes from cure to comfort care. A second opinion from another healthcare provider confirmed Mr. Bautista’s poor prognosis, though participation in a clinical trial was also encouraged. After discussing the trial’s burdens and benefits with the doctor, Mr. Bautista made a quick desperate decision to participate in the trial without any reservations with the hope that his life would be prolonged or that he would even achieve a complete cure.

Discussion Topics
1. When Filipinos are faced with serious illness, how do their cultural views and behaviors affect their response to illness and influence their decision-making in negotiating between different therapeutic options regarding end-of-life care?
2. Explore what the patient’s beliefs mean in the context of his underlying condition.