The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA), was signed into law by President Richard M. Nixon on December 18, 1971—the largest land claims settlement in United States history. ANCSA was intended to resolve the long-standing issues surrounding aboriginal land claims in Alaska, as well as to stimulate economic development throughout Alaska.
The settlement extinguished Alaskan Native claim to the majority of Alaska state land by transferring 44 million acres (1/9th the land mass of Alaska) to twelve Alaskan Native regional corporations and over 200 local village corporations. A total payment of $962.5 million dollars was paid in compensation for exchange for the remainder of entitlements that was divided among the 12 Alaska regional corporations, 200 village corporations, and the 13th Regional Corporation which was formed for the Alaska Natives who resided outside the state.
Alaskan Native Regional Corporations
Thirteen Corporations were created under ANCSA:
- Ahtna, Incorporated
- The Aleut Corporation (TAC)
- Arctic Slope Regional Corporation (ASRC)
- Bering Straits Native Corporation (BSNC)
- Bristol Bay Native Corporation (BBNC)
- Calista Corporation
- Chugach Alaska Corporation (CAC)
- Cook Inlet Region, Inc. (CIRI)
- Doyon, Limited
- Koniag, Incorporated
- NANA Regional Corporation (NANA)
- Sealaska Corporation
- The 13th Regional Corporation – Landless Corporation Headquartered in Seattle, Washington