Assigned readings, lecture, and discussion can be augmented with the following assignments:
A. Readings
Readings on the sociological, historical and political origins on the various ethnic elder groups.
B. Lectures and Presentations
Lectures/presentations by historians/sociologists/and community experts on the specific ethnic groups.
C. Interview
Interviewing an elder on their life history. See Interview Strategies.
D. Case Review
Reviewing cases and examining how SES may have impacted the health status.
E. Film and Video Review
Reviewing relevant historical/documentary films/videos on the Mexican American, Puerto Rican, or Cuban populations in the U.S.
F. Statistical and Survey Explanations
Provide possible explanations for the discrepancies between mortality statistics and the results of surveys of morbidity in community-based populations, e.g. why does it appear that the Coronary Heart Disease mortality is lower in Hispanics compared to NHW (mortality statistics) when subsequent, more rigorous community surveys fail to substantiate that there is less CHD in Hispanics?
G. Comparative Research
Supplementing information provided in Patterns of Health Risk by searching the literature for more complete comparisons of disease prevalence, incidence, and mortality rates in Hispanics compared to non-Hispanic whites of entities not previously covered, e.g. gallbladder disease, osteoporosis, and hip fractures.
H. Social Support Research
Interviewing Hispanic elders of different origins, e.g. Mexican Americans, Cubans, and Puerto Ricans, on the social support the elders give, receive, and expect.
I. Presentation of Interview Results
Presenting the results of the interviews in class to compare and discuss similarities and differences and how they compare with other races/ethnicities.
J. Health Promotion/Disease Prevention Research
Research health promotion/disease prevention strategies understood and utilized by Hispanics compared to other races/ethnicities. As an example, what percentage of diabetics have their hypertension and dyslipidemia identified, under treatment, and reaching goal treatment levels? (see Harris, 2001).
K. Case Study Discussions
Using the cases in this Module for class discussion or written assignments.