After completion of this module, learners will be able to perform the following in relation Hispanic/Latino elderly:

1. Define the terms Hispanic/Latino as used in its broad form to describe Mexican American, Puerto Rican, and Cuban elderly; discuss the use of the terms and describe the populations.
2. Identify demographics and the major sources of information on the growth patterns available for the above ethnic elder groups.
3. Identify the major risks of diseases that face older Hispanic/Latino elders and their implications.
4. Recognize the important role that history plays in the lives of Hispanic/Latino elders.
5. Describe culturally based traditions, health beliefs, values, attitudes and behaviors.
6. Identify and describe culturally appropriate palliative care and end-of-life health care decision-making.
7. Conduct a culturally appropriate ethnogeriatric health assessment for Hispanic/Latino elders and their families using methods and strategies recommended in the Culture Med Ethnogeriatric Curriculum.
8. Describe strategies for development of culturally appropriate verbal andnonverbal communication skills.
9. Identify validated assessment instruments.
10. Recognize cultural issues that affect treatment plans.
11. Describe influences on health care access and patterns of utilization.
12. Describe health promotion and disease prevention strategies for Hispanic/Latino elderly.
13. Identify types of medication use including traditional folk remedies for various illnesses.
14. Discuss treatment issues, working with families, caregiving and social support issues characteristic of this population.
15. Present information on access and utilization of services, including long term care.