Upon completion of this module the learner will be able to:

1. Describe the unique relationship between the older American Indian and the United States government.
2. Develop awareness of the importance of the historical context in the lives of today’s American Indians.
3. Identify the major sources of data for American Indian epidemiology and issues with the data collection.
4. List the top five causes of death for American Indians, and how culturally appropriate prevention programs might affect them.
5. Recognize indicators of conflicting expectations and responses to conflicting values of the American Indian and the Euro-American value based health care system.
6. Describe the use of an American Indian cohort analysis to understand the historical life influences and experiences of an American Indian patient.
7. Describe strategies for the development of culturally appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication skills with the older American Indian and his/her family.
8. Discuss the importance of eliciting explanatory information regarding illness and wellness from the American Indian elder and his family for collaborative treatment planning.